07897 017824

Get Started With Connectionably

Enter your business details to receive pricing for Connectionably subscription plans.

Connectionably has a selection of plans available.

The Standard plans offer a range of functionality at different price points

They are suitable for most businesses and contain standard workflows for the features contained within the plan.

Connectionably also offers Specialised Business plans that contain business sector specific workflows and optimisations.

Should you require a custom integration, a dedicated plan and account can be created.

In order to give you the appropriate pricing plans and details, please fill in the form and the information will be sent to the email or number you provide..

Connectionably does not display pricing plans or 'click to sign up' options because of the nature of the software.

Unlike a lot of software platforms, here at Connectionably, we like to make sure we are a good fit for our users.

Connectionably is a comprehensive platform with very powerful features. We like to make sure that our users fully understand what is available to them within the software and the value it can provide before they sign up.

Anyone who is interested in taking their business forward will be more than willing to take the time to enter their details in the form and go through a quick discovery call if needed.

If non of the standard or specialised plans are a good fit we should be able to build a custom plan suitable for your requirements.

Certain features incur extra costs during their use.

Phone calls, SMS text messages and emails all work on a credit system. Connectionably integrates with Twillio to provide these services and each call / message / email is charged at a fixed rate.

Different plans have varying amounts of monthly credit included. Any use above that limit will be charged for as extra per month.

The platform requires users to be onboarded with a small amount of information and some training required. The amount of training varies depending on the features and level of input the user requires but the standard automated plans are very straightforward with an easy learning curve.

It is only if the user wishes to build their own workflows and systems does the learning curve and time increase. Connectionably can build one off workflows as an extra chargeable service.

Discover Appointment and Review Management Automation Systems

07897 017824

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Copyright Connectionably 2025 - All rights reserved

Connectionably is provided by Leads For Services